Unlocking the Potential of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: A Skill Training Institute Perspective

13th March 2024

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing various industries and healthcare is no exception. AI has the potential to transform healthcare by enabling faster, more accurate diagnosis, personalized treatment and improved patient outcomes. As a skill training institute, we recognize the importance of equipping healthcare professionals with the skills required to leverage AI in their practice. In this blog, we will discuss the use of AI in healthcare and the role of a skill training institute in preparing the future workforce.

Understanding AI in Healthcare:

AI refers to a computerized system that can perform tasks or reasoning processes that we usually associate with human intelligence. In healthcare, AI can be used for various applications, including diagnosis and treatment, patient engagement and adherence and administrative activities. AI has the potential to improve patient outcomes, reduce medical errors and optimize care processes.

Challenges in Implementing AI in Healthcare:

While the potential benefits of AI in healthcare are significant, its implementation is not without challenges. Research suggests that AI technology may face barriers to adoption due to regulatory, ethical and legal considerations. Furthermore, healthcare leaders need to consider how AI fits with or impacts existing healthcare work practices and processes. To address these challenges, healthcare leaders must consider the unique challenges of implementing AI in healthcare practices.

Role of a Skill Training Institute:

As a skill training institute, we have a critical role to play in preparing the future workforce for the adoption of AI in healthcare. We can help healthcare professionals understand the state of various AI systems, drive and support the introduction of AI systems and integrate them into existing or altered work routines and processes. Our curriculum can help healthcare professionals develop the skills required to deploy AI systems to improve efficiency, safety and access to healthcare services.

Course Offered:

Neotia Skill Development Academy (NSDA) offers the course that cover various aspects of AI in healthcare. It is designed to provide healthcare professionals with the skills required to leverage AI in their practice. It includes :

  • Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analytics
  • Introduction to AI Tools in the context of healthcare and clinical data
    • Understanding of Healthcare and Clinical data in the context of AI Tools
    • Definition of AI and its subfields
    • AI in healthcare: current state & prospects
    • Benefits and challenges of AI in healthcare
    • Ethical and legal considerations of AI in healthcare
  • Fundamentals of machine learning for healthcare
    • Introduction to machine learning in AI context
    • Supervised and unsupervised learning
    • Feature selection and engineering
    • Model selection and evaluation
    • Applications of machine learning in healthcare
  • Evaluations of AI applications in healthcare
    • Evaluation metrics for healthcare AI applications
    • Bias and fairness in AI applications
    • Interpretability and explainability of AI models
    • Validation and verification of AI models
  • AI in diagnosis and patient monitoring
    • AI in medical imaging, AI in pathology
    • AI in genomics, AI in patient monitoring
  • AI in healthcare data management
    • Electronic health records and AI
    • Natural language processing in healthcare
    • Data privacy and security in healthcare
  • Deploying AI in practice
    • Implementation of AI in healthcare
    • Integration of AI with existing healthcare systems
    • Challenges and opportunities of AI in healthcare
  • Real-world applications of AI in medicine and challenges to address
    • Case studies of AI in healthcare
    • Future prospects of AI in healthcare
    • Capstone project and workshops to explore possibility of AI application in respective organisation

NSDA Value proposition:

  • 32 hours of intensive training
  • Online mode of delivery
  • Delivered using relevant case studies featuring AI in healthcare to illustrate the key concepts and how AI-based medical technology can be used to improve health outcomes and streamline clinical workflows, patient interactions, etc.
  • Not a technology dev and tool driven program but focused on usage of the technology for better services
  • It’s not an awareness level program, but a foundation course such that healthcare professionals can reorient themselves and bring changes in the way they deliver healthcare services.
  • Certification by Healthcare Sector Skill Council, NSDC, Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, Govt of India

NSDA Training Methodology :

  • The program will be delivered by experienced trainers with Data science background, Exposure to business application of AI in healthcare and Healthcare Data Analytics tools.
  • The program is also backed by Ambuja Neotia Healthcare Ventures as Industry Partner. Group has single & multi-speciality Hospitals across the state of West Bengal.
  • Trainers have strong data analytics and AI background of running similar programs
  • Will cover practical topics of modern workflows, patient interactions, as well as legal, ethical, and logistical concerns specific to the use of clinical AI with relevant case studies
  • Extensive content to be provided in the LMS platform
  • Projects, demo and assignments

AI has the potential to transform healthcare by enabling faster, more accurate diagnosis, personalized treatment and improved patient outcomes. As a skill training institute, we recognize the importance of equipping healthcare professionals with the skills required to leverage AI in their practice. Our courses are designed to provide healthcare professionals with the skills required to deploy AI systems to improve efficiency, safety and access to healthcare services. Apart from Physicians, Clinicians, Medical Students other healthcare professionals including professors, IT professionals who wish to make career in Healthcare data analytics, M. Pharma/ PhD / medical trainers, physician assistants, medical students, nurse practitioners, veterinarians can also get enrolled. Tech students who wish to build their career in AI domain application for healthcare industry are also welcome. Age is No bar. No prior knowledge of any tech tools required. Basic digital literacy, process orientation and analytics shall be adequate to learn. By investing in AI education and training, we can help them unlock the potential of AI in healthcare and improve patient outcomes.